Friday, April 23, 2010

A Continuance...

 Nude With Flower

Not too much has changed since my last post.

The day-job workload is slacking and I’m getting better at managing the hours of my days, or so it would seem. I’m finding stretches of time in which to do some editing on past sessions. I’ve come to realize there are bad habits I could cut out of my day in favor of doing things more productive, which I’ll touch on a bit later; certainly, this has been a big help. Regardless, I’m still far behind from where I’d hoped to be by this time of 2010, particularly where photography is concerned.

There’s a bit more to discuss, but I’ll save that for my next post.


Events at Horizon

The opening parties at Horizon Gallery went very well, and were wildly successful for a few of the 37 artists represented. No photography sold. Still, the gallery and work was seen by many. Gallery director Luc Ebner holds high-hopes for the gallerie's expansion into other markets. As always, I remain optimistic.


And On That Note...

Please feel free to spread the word about this blog and my photography. If you’re a reader, but not a formal “follower”, please become one so I know you’re here. I love meeting people at my show openings and it’s always nice to know who the audience is. Having said that, I will confess to ulterior motives here: I’m not superstitious; however, it would be nice to see the follower count rise above 13…


Another from my session with Megan.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Coping Mechanism...

Life remains and moves fast.

The day job is keeping me busy, and the need to earn cash and then immediately redistribute it is overwhelming. There has been little time for other pursuits, photography among them. I’m two sessions behind in editing, and I’m shuffling my planned shooting schedule around, pushing dates back on the calendar closer and closer to spring and the start of ‘tan-line’ season. Not that I’m complaining; far from it. I’m grateful to be busy; and as strange as it sounds, grateful to have an income to redistribute.

My primary concern is I’m not devoting the time to my photography work that it both demands and deserves; this is especially true for the figurative work . I’ll get there; I’ll get the edits done and images in gallery inventories for sale, and images on this blog for all to see. Still, it bugs me. I feel almost guilty.


Come One, Come All....

...and tell a friend or two. Horizon Gallery, my current sole representation, is having an artist’s reception on Friday, April 16th from 5pm-8pm and on Sunday, an open house, from 3pm-7pm. All are invited; feel free to spread the word. The gallery is located at 206 East Bay Street, Savannah, Ga.


One from Megan’s first studio session.